Produits en précommande

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Produits en précommande

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Transparency Above All

In the world of online shopping, speedy delivery has become an undeniable asset to attract and retain customers. At Funtomata, we understand this demand and strive to meet it as best we can. However, we also want to provide you with a clear insight into who we are and how we operate.

Free Delivery in Belgium and France

Free shipping shows you that, despite our size, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. We plan to gradually extend this free delivery to the rest of Europe, depending on our growth. It demonstrates our value to each customer and our desire to make our products accessible to everyone.

A Human-sized Company

Unlike the e-commerce giants that handle immense volumes of orders, we are a small business. This means that each order we receive, each product we pack, and each delivery we make is treated with personal care and attention to detail that only small structures can provide. It also means we don’t have the same logistical means. As Funtomata grows, we can offer more frequent and faster deliveries, reducing the time you must wait to receive your precious package.

A Gesture for the Planet

Every business should be concerned about their operations’ environmental impact. We do everything possible to ensure our products are delivered to you while minimizing the resulting emissions. That’s why we favor longer, yet more eco-friendly deliveries. We also avoid over-packaging and minimize the use of plastics in our products.

Have Another Question?

Below, you’ll find answers to any questions you might have about deliveries.

  • Currently, we ship free eco-friendly packages in Belgium and France.

    Faster delivery for an extra fee will be available soon.

  • Currently, it takes 1 to 2 weeks to receive your delivery. We hope to reduce this delay in the long term. This delay is due to the various steps required for shipping:

    • Every Wednesday morning, we dispatch the list of orders to our logistics partner.
    • It takes 1 to 2 working days for the packages to be assembled and dropped off at the post office.
    • Eco-friendly packages are typically delivered within 3 working days.

    Packages usually arrive on the Thursday of the week following the dispatch of the list.

    If you place an order on a Wednesday afternoon, your order will be on the list for the following week. That’s approximately 15 days between placing your order and its delivery.

    The frequency of order dispatches will increase as the volume of orders grows.

  • For smaller shipments, the post office does not provide a tracking service. If you haven’t received delivery within 20 days, please get in touch with us.

    We can track the package internally for larger parcels, but there is no customer tracking number. Don’t hesitate to contact us; we will gladly inform you about the shipment status.