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Produits en précommande

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Your Security, Our Priority

Payments online should be able to be made with trust and utmost security.

We aim to be as transparent as possible, so you can be sure that your data is at no risk when making a purchase on our site.

Moreover, whether it’s on our site or another, there are several ways to ensure that it’s a reputable and legitimate site.

Ensure the connection is secure.

In the address bar of your web browser, you can see a small padlock indicating that your connection is secure. The presence of the padlock means that all the information shared on this page is encrypted, and no malicious person can intercept it.

Make sure the website owner is a registered company.

Often, a quick Google search will let you determine the legitimacy of the company. Companies are also required to list their address on their website. You will find our address on our contact page.

Being a Belgian company, Funtomata can be found on the Central Business Registry (BCE).

Browse the website’s content.

Creating relevant content takes time and requires great attention. If the company has many pages describing its approach, team, products, values, etc., it’s usually a sign that it’s a legitimate company.

Trust your instincts.

If you feel your data is unsafe, don’t take risks. Possibly seek another person’s opinion before making a purchase, or contact the website’s authors to speak with them directly.

Here are some frequently asked questions that should enlighten you on how your data is used on our site:

  • For any transaction issue, you can contact us through the following channels:

    We will respond as soon as possible.

    If the issue is related to PayPal, we might direct you to their customer service for a specific resolution.

  • Our order form requires an address to issue an invoice document and determine a delivery address for products that need to be shipped by mail.

    You can modify this information at any time here:

  • You need to have an account to access your purchase history and download our digital products (files, games, drawings, etc.).

    You’ll be prompted to create an account when finalizing your payment if you’re not already logged in.

    You can create a standard account by providing an email address and password or using your Facebook or Google account directly.

    Using Facebook or Google gives us access only to your email address, first name, and last name. It’s a quick and convenient way to create an account without remembering another password.

    You can delete your account at any time here. Deleting your account will also remove access to your downloads and purchase history.

  • No, you do not need a PayPal account to complete your order and make your payment. Although the payment process might be simplified if you have a PayPal account, all you need is a valid debit or credit card.

  • No, and at no point are these details known by

    The form where you input your details is generated by PayPal, ensuring that your payment information is sent directly to PayPal for processing, without passing through

    PayPal is a globally recognized payment portal known for the quality of its services and the security of its data.

  • Encryption (or encoding) is a technology that converts information into coded language to prevent malicious individuals from accessing it. The recipient can only decode the information using an “SSL/TLS certificate.” Without this certificate, a modern computer would take billions and billions of years to decode your information.

    It means no one can use the information exchanged between you and during your visit.


  • Absolutely! We chose to use “PayPal Payments for WooCommerce” because of the quality and robustness of their security measures. This system is designed to protect our customers from any form of fraud or unauthorized transactions.

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